Weekend Wrap Up

Sunday, 26 July 2015

Well it was quite wild around here this weekend...oh wait, no it wasn't.   The hubby had to work on Saturday so that kinda sucked.  Plus the weather has been so cold and windy and rainy that it's not worth venturing outside.  That leaves us at home most of the time, warm but bored.

Trying to find things to keep two toddlers busy on a rainy day can be a challenge.  We did about five seconds of playdough, ten seconds of coloring and a solid five hours of crying and whining. Good times.

My son is 2.5 which means he's at that age where he can tell you he wants to play with playdough, then you check and make sure he wants the playdough, YES, he yet again insists on the playdough, then you get all the stuff out for playdough and set the table up for it, put the kid in his seat and he begins to cry saying he does NOT want playdough.  What!

So he then wants to color...wait you see it coming...same pattern.  Color?  YES.  Sure you want to color?  YES!  Okay here's your coloring book and pens.  NOOOOO!  Crying and Whining.  Lord have mercy.

So that was Saturday in a nutshell.

Sunday was a lazy morning.  And by "lazy" I mean I got to lay in bed until 8:30, unheard of these days.  I mean I did get up and get the baby at 7, then lay in bed with her while she punched me with her tiny fists of fury and rolled around and over me for an hour.  But I was still in bed, so that counts.

We finally made the move out of the house around noon, which was waaay too late.  We made a quick stop at the electronics shop for the cheapest dvd player we could find (because you know the kids are gonna ruin it somehow).  Score at $35!

Then we went to Pasta Deli for some quick (and warm) lunch.  It was packed, but we found a table and I entertained one toddler while the Hubs walked around with the baby until our food was ready.  I had to try their salted peanut gelato too.  Good!  So good.

Then both kids began to loose their minds, which meant it was time to pack up and get home for some naps.

And that my friends...was our weekend.  Exciting, I know.

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