Choosing the right school

Wednesday, 12 August 2015

As soon as Bean turned 2 we started getting the question, "Where is he gonna go to school?"

What? Huh?  He's 2, I have no idea.

Here in Australia the school schedule is slightly different than the States.  And I am still trying to wrap my brain around it.  Kids are expected to be in "playgroups" when they are infants and toddlers (though this is optional), then they move on to some version of pre-school or early learning center at 3 or 4 (optional again, but helps with transition), then kindy at 5 (kindergarden, not optional) and they start going to a school campus at 5 or 6 with reception.  Confused?  Me too.

It's good I have friends here that are teachers, so they can help guide me.

We go to kindergym and we have done the playgroup thing too.  But next I need to find a pre-school or early learning center to attend.  I think Bean will just go to the kindy down the road from us, so I'm not too fused about one.

But the big question is: Where will he go to school?

So at 2 we set out to find a school that he would attend at 5.  Ugg.  But apparently you have to do it now or you run the risk of not getting a spot in your desired school (in three years).   My friend who has two daughters the same age as Bean and Poppy tried to get her girls into her first pick and they were full already, even spots for her 10 month old where full.  Yikes.

First we had to decide if we wanted a Catholic school, a private school or a public school.  And how do you decide if a school is right for your child and family?

We made a few calls to friends in our area with older children and two of the families recommended a Catholic school that is nearby.  So we attended their open morning/meet and greet where we were able to tour the school and meet some of the current teachers and students.

After our tour we both had a good feeling about this school and neither of us could come up with a reason why Bean should not go there, so we filled out the enrolment forms.  We enrolled both Bean and Poppy and paid our non-refundable fee ($55) and now we wait.

We are still waiting to hear if the kiddos are accepted or not, which is driving me crazy.  But at least we have a plan, huh.  If they aren't accepted we will have start all over with a new school, but at least we have a better idea of what we are doing now.

And how could you resist enrolling these two?

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