Happy Birthday to me??

Wednesday, 5 August 2015

So I kinda hate my birthday.  But I don't hate because I turn a year older, cuz that's gonna happen.  I kinda hate it because I feel like it's cursed.  (I'm serious).

I have never had a super great birthday in my life.  Sure I had the kids parties in the backyard with the slip and slide, but that was about the time my birthday fun ended.

In fact it was the slip and slide party that started the curse.  I was sent to my room during the party after fighting with my cousin about who was next in line.  Then my mom said I couldn't have a party the next year either (because of the fight).  So I turned 8 and had no party, thanks mom.  Kinda harsh, don't ya think.

My birthday also falls in that week in summer where apparently everyone goes on vacation, or to visit their dad in Montana or to sleep away camp.  The next time I was allowed to have a party I invited all my friends from school and no one came.  Seriously, no one could come to the party. They were on vacation, or in Montana or at camp (you get the picture).  My two cousins showed up and we swam in our pool and then they made fun of the fact that no one came to the party.  Sweet.

So here are few things that have happened on my birthday throughout the years to add to the curse:

  • my family went camping and I had a half-assed birthday in the woods.
  • the first day of school fell on my birthday, good times
  • I had surgery on my birthday, oral surgery, but still
  • as a teenager my parents left for vacation and I stayed home alone (to work)
  • I had two cavities filled
I know more has happened over the years, but that's enough.  Plus my husband can never remember my birthday.  He always thinks it's the 24th or the 20th or the 18th (and those aren't even close).  And he never gets me a gift, so I just buy my own (I think this is a mom thing...buying your own gifts).

So each year I kinda dread my birthday, I think I have cursed myself at this point.

This year I had those two cavities filled.  But the day picked up with a family dinner at a great restaurant with my favorite dessert.  So it wasn't that bad at all.  Maybe I need a new mindset when it comes to birthday, huh?

Here's a few pics from my birthday dinner. Happy birthday to me!

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