1, 2.....3?

Tuesday, 28 July 2015

This is probably a conservation every couple has to have at some point...how many children should we have?  Notice I did not say "how many children do we want."  I think those are two different things...should and want.

I always pictured myself having three kids.  But fantasy and reality are also two different things, as I am finding out.

Let me just start by saying I love my two kiddos. LOVE them.  But they are lots of work.  LOTS. And since I live on a different continent than the rest of my family, I don't have tons of support or any free babysitters to help me out.

In fact I get a bit jealous when I see other moms out with their moms/grandmas in tow.  I fantasize about being able to drop the kids at my parents' house and go to Target solo.  (Target solo is a mom vacation).

Back to my point though, I am not sure I should have one more baby.  Actually some days I don't think I could even handle one more.

My husband is pretty happy with two and would be super happy to stop.  But he's still waiting on my go ahead for the snip snip at this point.

And that's the other big issue.  I want my Hubs to be on the same page, I don't want it to be one of those "well YOU wanted a third baby" situations.

Then there is the financial side.  Can we afford one more?  There's private schooling, university and all the stuff in between.  Plus we travel back to the States once a year and that's one more ticket and one more kiddo to wrangle.

Which leads to my next question, can we handle one more?  Two parents and two kids means you can each take a kid as you go through airport security or shop at Ikea...you get the picture.  Three kids and two parents, well it means we would be out-numbered.

I think the verdict is still out on this one.  But we will have to decide sooner rather than later, these eggs of mine aren't getting any fresher if you know what I mean.  Stay tuned.

And how can you resist these two?

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