Kindergym, more like KinderGERMS

Thursday, 30 July 2015

Germs, germs, germs everywhere you go there's germs.

I am not a germaphobe or anything, but when you have two little ones you start paying more attention to the grime, dirt and open-air sneezes that you encounter.  And the best/worst place for germs these days is kindergym.

Picture 25 toddlers and babies running around with coughs, runny noses and sticky fingers, touching everything your kids are touching.  It's a recipe for disaster.  By by "disaster" I mean a two-week long cold that hits the entire family.  Ya...that's money well spent.

I mean you can't keep the kids inside all winter long, but there's no guaranteed way to protect yourself against these colds and viruses out in the world either.  I know...wash your hands, don't touch your face, take some vitamin C, cover your coughs...blah blah blah...tell a 2 year old that. Better yet, tell a 14 month old that when she licks the slide.  Ya..good times.

I guess it's just the risk you take at kindergym huh?  And they love the heck out of kindergym.  Plus they get super tired and we get some lunch in the drive-thru and I am guaranteed two hours of naptime when we get home.  Which means I can watch some recorded tv and catch up on my housewives drama.  Score one for mom.

Sorry for the blurry pictures, but trying and tell them to hold still for two seconds is like telling the dog to drive home, it ain't gonna happen.

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